The Childrens Issues

Play Therapy with Very Young, Traumatized, and Chaotic Children

Balancing regression with the therapeutic stance and work with very young children..

Program Description

Beginning therapy with a small child can be confusing and intense. It requires that the therapist balance the regression necessary to engage the treatment process with maintaining a therapeutic stance. In this interview, Peter Shaft candidly describes how he was able to tolerate the experience of a young chaotic child with energy, humor and insight.

Learning Objectives

1. Understand the role of the clinician with the child in a therapy session.
2. Increase your confidence to work with this young population.
3. Learn how to create a sense of trust and safety with a chaotic child.
4. Be able to recognize meaning in the behavior of a young child.
5. Appreciate the value of games to a very young child.
6. Learn how to balance one’s own regression, which is necessary to engage in the treatment process, with maintaining a therapeutic stance.


Play Therapy with Traumatized and Chaotic Children - Peter Shaft, MSW

Beginning therapy with a small child can be confusing and intense. It requires that the therapist balance the regression necessary to engage the treatment process with maintaining a therapeutic stance. In this interview, Peter Shaft candidly describes how he was able to tolerate the experience of a young chaotic child with energy, humor and insight.

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Client Testimonials

“These programs were very well done. Anytime my mind doesn’t wander, I know it’s a great job.”

... Patt M.