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Roberta Graziano, D.S.W.
Sexual Abuse and Foster Care
Toni Heineman, D.M.H
Mandated Reporting
Helene M. Snyder, J.D.
Implementation of Mandated Reporting
Kendall Marlowe , MA
Treatment of Gamblers
Mary Rich, Ph.D.
Nancy Smith, M.S.W.
Steven Wolin, M.D.
Narrative Theory and A.A.
Carolyn Saari, Ph.D.
Nancy Smith, M.S.W.
Alcoholism Assessment
Robert Taylor, M.S.W.
“Empty Core” Theory and Substance Abuse
Jeffrey Seinfeld, PhD
Relapse Treatment
Susan Flynn, LCSW
Arnold Goldberg, M.D.
Engaging the Gambler
Mary Rich, Ph.D.
Eating Disorders
Joan Ebbitt, LCSW
Alcoholism in Couples
Michael Rohrbaugh, Ph.D.
Adolescent Substance Abuse
Peter Palanca, M.A.
A Quick Alcoholism Assessment
Robert Taylor, M.S.W.
Bad Boys: Sexual Addiction or Entitlement?
Sharon O'Hara, LMFT, C-SAT
Dona-Marie Swaim, MA
Six Types of Sexual Addiction
Douglas Weiss, Ph.D.
OPIATE ADDICTION TREATMENT: Science vs Ideology and the End of One-Size-Fits-All Treatment
Mark Willenbring, M.D.
Ishani Dalal, D.O.
OPIATE ADDICTION TREATMENT: A Neuropsychoanalytic Approach
Brian Johnson, M.D.
Brief Treatment with Difficult Adolescents
Matthew Selekman, L.C.S.W.
Adolescent Suicide
Rick Ostrander, Ed.D.
Violent Children
Steven Marans, Ph.D.
Adolescent Substance Abuse
Peter Palanca, M.A.
Parent Loss in Adolescence
Robert Neimeyer, Ph.D.
Parent Loss in Adolescence
Colin Pereira - Webber, M.A.
Early Adolescence in Girls
Elizabeth Lloyd Mayer, Ph.D.
Cognitive Treatment with Depressed Adolescents
David Wexler, Ph.D.
Angry Adolescents
Mark Masi, Psy.D.
Adolescents in Managed Care
James Alexander, Ph.D.
Adolescent Psychology and Development
H. Spencer Bloch, M.D.
Battling Bullying to Prevent Suicide
Mark Smaller, PhD WEBSITE
Adolescent Daughters of Mothers with Breast Cancer
Marica Spira, Ph.D., LCSW
The Assessment of Violent Adolescents
Robert Galatzer-Levy, M.D.
Working with High Risk Adoolescents
Matthew Selekman, LCSW
Alternative to the Adult/Child Movement
Miriam Reitz, Ph.D.
Sexual Abuse and Foster Care
Toni Heineman, D.M.H
Severing Family Ties
Anita Weinberg, JD. MSW
Amy Groessl, Ph.D.
ADOPTION PART 2 When Adoptees Find Their Biological Parents
Amy Groessl, Ph.D.
AIDS Partners and Loss
Dennis Shelby, Ph.D.
Alcoholism Assessment
Robert Taylor, M.S.W.
Relapse Treatment
Susan Flynn, LCSW
A Quick Alcoholism Assessment
Robert Taylor, M.S.W.
Autism Spectrum
Paula Leifer, LCSW
The Maintenance of Therapeutic Boundaries
Mark Smaller, PhD WEBSITE
Gifts and Adjudication/Sanctions
Ted Remley, Ph.D., LCC
Boundaries and Custody Evaluations
Brandt Caudill, JD
Boundaries and Confidentiality
Ted Remley, Ph.D., LCC
Barbara Herlihy, Ph.D.
Boundaries in Clinical Practice
Barbara Herlihy, Ph.D.
Risk Management Mania
Overview to Sexual Misconduct
Hugh F. Johnston, MD
My Patient wants to ‘Friend’ Me
Curt Kearney, MA, LCPC
Ethical Standards for the Internet and Social Media
Frederic Reamer, Ph.D. website
A Social Media Policy for Clinicians
Keely Kolmes, Psy,D.
TELE-THERAPY: an overview plus thoughts about returning to the office
Laura, Groshong. LICSW
Brief Treatment
Brief Treatment of the Borderline Personality
Sandy Hotchkiss, M.S.W., B.C.D.
An Overview to Brief Treatment
Maria Corwin, Ph.D.
Narrative Constructivist Brief Treatment with Families
Steven Friedman, Ph.D.
Brief Treatment with Difficult Adolescents
Matthew Selekman, L.C.S.W.
Brief Group Therapy with Children with Affective Disorders
Ana Maria Anastasiades, M.D., Marian Harris, Ph.D.
Anxiety-Provoking Brief Therapy
Peter Sifneos, M.D.
A Psychodynamic Approach to Brief Treatment
Michael Basch, M.D.
Brief Treatment
Sandy Hotchkiss, M.S.W., B.C.D.
Early Intervention in First Episode Schizophrenia Makes the Difference
Tia Dole, Ph.D.
Child Treatment
MPD in Children
Nancy Hornstein, M.D.
Children Who Don’t Fit In
Stephen Nowicki, Ph.D., Marshall Duke, Ph.D.
Brief Group Therapy with Children with Affective Disorders
Ana Maria Anastasiades, M.D., Marian Harris, Ph.D.
Custody Evaluation
Robert Galatzer-Levy, M.D.
Violent Children
Steven Marans, Ph.D.
Parent Loss in Adolescence
Colin Pereira - Webber, M.A.
Understanding Children's Art
Cathy Malchiodi, LPCC
Treating the Grieving Child
Robert Neimeyer, Ph.D.
The Making of Ponette
Jaques Doillon,
Robert Galatzer-Levy, M.D.
Battling Bullying to Prevent Suicide
Mark Smaller, PhD WEBSITE
Sexual Abuse and Foster Care
Toni Heineman, D.M.H
Rebuilding Family Ties
Richard Kagan, Ph.D. website
Psychotherapy with Psychologically Traumatized Children
Cynthia Monahon, Psy.D.
Overview to Attachment Theory
Frances Stott, Ph.D.
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
Julie Poehlmann, Ph.D.
Attachment Issues in Children in Foster Care
Nancy Boyd Webb, D.S.W.
Mandated Reporting
Helene M. Snyder, J.D.
Implementation of Mandated Reporting
Kendall Marlowe , MA
Children’s Confidentiality Rights
Frederic Reamer, Ph.D. website
Asperger's Syndrome: Group Treatment.
Geoff Magnus
PTSD in Pre-school Children
Toni Heineman, D.M.H
Pre-School Children and PTSD
Toni Heineman, D.M.H.
Foster Care and Rebuilding Family Ties
Richard Kagan, Ph.D.
Play Therapy with Traumatized and Chaotic Children
Peter Shaft, MSW
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive Coping Skills
Kenneth Sharoff, Ph.D.
Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment
Steven Taylor, Ph.D.
Cognitive Coping Skills for Pain and Suffering
Kenneth Sharoff, Ph.D.
Treating the Grieving Child
Robert Neimeyer, Ph.D.
Document Everything
Barbara Alexander
Confidentiality: Never Tell
Christopher Bollas
Confidentiality and Risk Management
Frederic Reamer, Ph.D. website
Boundaries and Confidentiality
Ted Remley, Ph.D., LCC
Understanding HIPPA
Sandra Nye, J.D., M.S.W.
Children’s Confidentiality Rights
Frederic Reamer, Ph.D. website
Protecting Confidentiality in Online Counselling
Rachel Birnbaum, Ph.D.
Confidentiality and Risk Management
Allan Barsky, Ph.D.
A Social Media Policy for Clinicians
Keely Kolmes, Psy,D.
Confidentiality: Back to Basics
Jonathan Nye
TELE-THERAPY: an overview plus thoughts about returning to the office
Laura, Groshong. LICSW
Couple/Marital Therapy
Work with Difficult Couples
Marlene Watson, Ph.D.
Elderly and Older Couples
Mary Ann Wolinsky, M.S.W.
Object-Relations Focused Marital Treatment
David Scharff, M.D., Jill Scharff M.D.
Frank Pittman, M.D.
Alcoholism in Couples
Michael Rohrbaugh, Ph.D.
Borderline Marriages
Charles McCormack
Couple Therapy and Self-Psychology
Carla Leone, Ph.D.
Crisis Intervention
Disaster Mental Health
John Weaver, A.C.S.W.
Critical Incident Stress Debriefings
Jeffrey Mitchell, Ph.D.
Education and Crisis Intervention with Families of Patients Having BPD
Christine Lawson, Ph.D.
School-Based Suicide Prevention with African American Youth in an Urban Setting
Julie Grumet-Goldstein, Ph.D.
Battling Bullying to Prevent Suicide
Mark Smaller, PhD WEBSITE
Cultural Complexities
Pamela Hays, Ph.D.
Migration and Separation
Celia Falicov, Ph.D.
Jumping through the hoops of Immigration
Kenneth Geman, J.D.
Ethnicity and Immigration
Monica McGoldrick
The Culture of PTSD
James Herbert, Ph.D.
Engaging Survivors of Extreme Violence
Martha Bragin, Ph.D., LCSW
Transgender in the Aging Community
Rena McDaniel, MEd, LCPC, Certified Sex Therapist
Cultural Competence
School-Based Suicide Prevention with African American Youth in an Urban Setting
Julie Grumet-Goldstein, Ph.D.
Cultural Complexities
Pamela Hays, Ph.D.
Migration and Separation
Celia Falicov, Ph.D.
Jumping through the hoops of Immigration
Kenneth Geman, J.D.
Ethnicity and Immigration
Monica McGoldrick
Transgender in the Aging Community
Rena McDaniel, MEd, LCPC, Certified Sex Therapist
Migration and the Immigration Experience, by Celia Falcov
Celia Falicov
Custody Evaluations
Custody Evaluation
Robert Galatzer-Levy, M.D.
Boundaries and Custody Evaluations
Brandt Caudill, JD
Brief Group Therapy with Children with Affective Disorders
Ana Maria Anastasiades, M.D., Marian Harris, Ph.D.
Biologically Informed Treatment of Depression
Stephen Schuchter, M.D.
Cognitive Treatment with Depressed Adolescents
David Wexler, Ph.D.
Depressive Disorders in the DSM-5
Melissa Perrin, Psy.D
“Empty Core” Theory and Substance Abuse
Jeffrey Seinfeld, PhD
Parent Loss in Adolescence
Robert Neimeyer, Ph.D.
Parent Loss in Adolescence
Colin Pereira - Webber, M.A.
Early Adolescence in Girls
Elizabeth Lloyd Mayer, Ph.D.
Adolescent Psychology and Development
H. Spencer Bloch, M.D.
Roberta Graziano, D.S.W.
Borderline Mothers
Christine Lawson, Ph.D.
Post-traumatic Growth
William O'Hanlon, M.S., LMFT website
Sexual Abuse and Foster Care
Toni Heineman, D.M.H
Rebuilding Family Ties
Richard Kagan, Ph.D. website
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
Julie Poehlmann, Ph.D.
Attachment Issues in Children in Foster Care
Nancy Boyd Webb, D.S.W.
Self Psychology and Neuroscience”
Judith Rustin, LCSW
The Transformational Self
Harry Bendicsen, LCSW
The Old/New Family
Maxine Wintre, Ph.D.
Jeffrey Arnett, Ph.D. website
Neurobiological Changes in Emerging Adulthood
Jesse Viner, MD
Assessing the Dangerous Patient
Hillel Bodek, M.S.W.
Treating ADHD
Russell Barkeley, Ph.D.
Children Who Don’t Fit In
Stephen Nowicki, Ph.D., Marshall Duke, Ph.D.
Brief Treatment of the Borderline Personality
Sandy Hotchkiss, M.S.W., B.C.D.
DSM IV and Personality Disorders
Theodore Millon, Ph.D.
Robert Galatzer-Levy, M.D.
School-Based Suicide Prevention with African American Youth in an Urban Setting
Julie Grumet-Goldstein, Ph.D.
Risk Management Mania
The Assessment of Violent Adolescents
Robert Galatzer-Levy, M.D.
The Culture of PTSD
James Herbert, Ph.D.
Gerald Rosen, Ph.D.
PTSD in Pre-school Children
Toni Heineman, D.M.H
Personality Disorders in the DSM-5
Melissa Perrin, Psy.D
Overview to the DSM-5
Laura Groshong, LICSW
Feeding and Eating Disorders
Greg Neimeyer, Ph.D.
Depressive Disorders in the DSM-5
Melissa Perrin, Psy.D
Depression and the DSM5
Melissa Perrin
Eating and Feeding Disorders
Greg Neimeyer, Ph.D.
Dialectical Behavior Therapy
Education and Crisis Intervention with Families of Patients Having BPD
Christine Lawson, Ph.D.
Dialectical Behavior Therapy
Charles Swenson, MD
Disaster Mental Health
John Weaver, A.C.S.W.
Critical Incident Stress Debriefings
Jeffrey Mitchell, Ph.D.
Work with the Grieving
Mila Tecala, LCSW, BCD
Froma Walsh, Ph.D., MSW
Protecting the Victim
Robert Galatzer-Levy, M.D.
Domestic Violence
Overview to Domestic Violence
Rochelle Hanson, Ph.D.
Protecting the Victim
Robert Galatzer-Levy, M.D.
An Object-Relations Approach
Diane Zosky, Ph.D.
Legal Issues in the Treatment of Domestic Violence
Robert Galatzer-Levy, M.D.
Jungian Dream Work with Cancer Patients
Ann Goelitz, CSW website
Eating Disorders
Eating Disorders and Attachment Theory
Linda Chassler, Ph.D.
Eating Disorders
Joan Ebbitt, LCSW
Feeding and Eating Disorders
Greg Neimeyer, Ph.D.
Eating and Feeding Disorders
Greg Neimeyer, Ph.D.
Therapist's Life Cycle
Arnold Levin, Ph.D.
Elderly and Older Couples
Mary Ann Wolinsky, M.S.W.
Elderly Suicide
Nancy Osgood, Ph.D.
Treatment of the Elderly
Bob G. Knight, Ph.D.
Transgender in the Aging Community
Rena McDaniel, MEd, LCPC, Certified Sex Therapist
The Maintenance of Therapeutic Boundaries
Mark Smaller, PhD WEBSITE
Patient/Therapist Relations
Sandra Nye, J.D., M.S.W.
Duty to Warn
Ellen Leupker, M.S.W.
George Stricker, Ph.D.
Managed Care Contracts
Sandra Nye, J.D., M.S.W.
Patient Abandonment
David Phillips, D.S.W.
Ethical Reasoning
Kathleen Murphy, Ph.D.
Document Everything
Barbara Alexander
Confidentiality: Never Tell
Christopher Bollas
Confidentiality and Risk Management
Frederic Reamer, Ph.D. website
The Meaning of Money
Robert Galatzer-Levy, M.D.
Gifts and Adjudication/Sanctions
Ted Remley, Ph.D., LCC
Fees, Billing, Collections
Barton Bernstein, JD, LMSW
Ethical/Clinical Decisions
Kathleen Murphy, Ph.D.
Boundaries and Custody Evaluations
Brandt Caudill, JD
Boundaries and Confidentiality
Ted Remley, Ph.D., LCC
Barbara Herlihy, Ph.D.
Supervisory Ethics
Carlton Munson, Ph.D., BCD
Ethical Issues
Kathleen Murphy, Ph.D.
The Ethics of Human Relating.
Frank Summers, Ph.D. website
The Challenge and Dilemmas of Technology
Ofer Zur, Ph.D website
Ethics and Countertransference
Lisa Ferentz, LCSW-C, DAPA website
Spirituality Sensitive Practice
Ed Canda, Ph.D.
Handling Ethical Issues
Terry Brumley Northcut, Ph.D.
Ethics and Character
Dennis Haynes, Ph.D.
Ethical Codes and Violations
Frederic Reamer, Ph.D. website
Understanding HIPPA
Sandra Nye, J.D., M.S.W.
Medical Errors
Margot Escott
Decision Making with Seriously ill Adolescents
Peter Wolf
Decision Making
Tonya Manselle, Ph.D.
Risk Management Mania
Psychodynamic Understandings
Judith Newman, LCSW
Overview to Sexual Misconduct
Hugh F. Johnston, MD
The Inner Workings of Ethics and Licensing
Sandra Nye, J.D., M.S.W.
Gary R. Schoener, M.Eq (hon. Psy.D)
Ms. X Confesses
Mark Smaller, PhD WEBSITE
Severing Family Ties
Anita Weinberg, JD. MSW
Mandated Reporting
Helene M. Snyder, J.D.
Implementation of Mandated Reporting
Kendall Marlowe , MA
Children’s Confidentiality Rights
Frederic Reamer, Ph.D. website
Laura Groshong, LICSW
To Reduce the Fee or Not? Part 2
Karla Clark, Ph.D.
To Reduce the Fee or Not
Frank Summers, Ph.D. website
Social Media Enhances Clinical Work
Lisa Johnson, Ph.D., LMFT
My Patient wants to ‘Friend’ Me
Curt Kearney, MA, LCPC
Ethical Standards for the Internet and Social Media
Frederic Reamer, Ph.D. website
A Social Media Policy for Clinicians
Keely Kolmes, Psy,D.
Countertransference and Ethics
Lisa Ferentz, LCSW-C, DAPA
The Ethics of diagnosing public figures from afar.
Mark Smaller, Ph.D., LCSW
Ethics: Diagnosing public figures from afar: Could we? Should we?
Mark Smaller, Ph.D., LCSW
Ethics and Countertransference
Lisa Ferentz, LCSW-C, DAPA
Confidentiality: Back to Basics
Jonathan Nye
New Ethical Standards in Use of Technology, and new Dangers, part 1
Frederic Reamer, Ph.D.
Ethical Challenges and Personal Conundrums.
Frederic Reamer, Ph.D.
New Ethical Standards in the Use of Technology -- and Danger! part 2
Frederic Reamer, Ph.D.
TELE-THERAPY: an overview plus thoughts about returning to the office
Laura, Groshong. LICSW
Family Treatment
MPD and Systems
Richard Schwartz, Ph.D.
Dealing with Death in Families
Froma Walsh, Ph.D., MSW
Narrative Constructivist Brief Treatment with Families
Steven Friedman, Ph.D.
Impact on Families
Paul Mason, MS
Froma Walsh, Ph.D., MSW
Rebuilding Family Ties
Richard Kagan, Ph.D. website
Amy Groessl, Ph.D.
The Old/New Family
Maxine Wintre, Ph.D.
Foster Care and Rebuilding Family Ties
Richard Kagan, Ph.D.
Film Discussion
Treating the Grieving Child
Robert Neimeyer, Ph.D.
The Making of Ponette
Jaques Doillon,
Woody Allen, filmmaker
Elliott Krick, M.A.
Development and Film Discussion
Ed Kaufman, MSW
The First Session, as Seen in ‘In Treatment
Arthur Nielsen, M.D. website
Foster Care
Sexual Abuse and Foster Care
Toni Heineman, D.M.H
Rebuilding Family Ties
Richard Kagan, Ph.D. website
Psychotherapy with Psychologically Traumatized Children
Cynthia Monahon, Psy.D.
Overview to Attachment Theory
Frances Stott, Ph.D.
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
Julie Poehlmann, Ph.D.
Attachment Issues in Children in Foster Care
Nancy Boyd Webb, D.S.W.
Severing Family Ties
Anita Weinberg, JD. MSW
PTSD in Pre-school Children
Toni Heineman, D.M.H
Foster Care and Rebuilding Family Ties
Richard Kagan, Ph.D.
Freud and Women
Marian Tolpin, M.D.
A Freud Refresher mini-course
Mark Smaller, PhD
Freud's Thinking about Women
Marion Tolpin, MD
Treatment of Gamblers
Mary Rich, Ph.D.
Engaging the Gambler
Mary Rich, Ph.D.
Dealing with Death in Families
Froma Walsh, Ph.D., MSW
AIDS Partners and Loss
Dennis Shelby, Ph.D.
Parent Loss in Adolescence
Robert Neimeyer, Ph.D.
Parent Loss in Adolescence
Colin Pereira - Webber, M.A.
Treating the Grieving Child
Robert Neimeyer, Ph.D.
The Making of Ponette
Jaques Doillon,
Families of Homicide Victims
Work with the Grieving
Mila Tecala, LCSW, BCD
A Narrative-Constructivist Approach
Robert Neimeyer, Ph.D.
Survivors of Suicide
Joseph McBride, MSW, BCD
Surviving the Suicide of a Patient and Understanding the Suicide Continuum
Sherry Bryant
Bereavement in Early Childhood
Robert Neimeyer, Ph.D., Froma Walsh, Ph.D., MSW
Attachment Issues in Children in Foster Care
Nancy Boyd Webb, D.S.W.
Depressive Disorders in the DSM-5
Melissa Perrin, Psy.D
Group Therapy
Brief Group Therapy with Children with Affective Disorders
Ana Maria Anastasiades, M.D., Marian Harris, Ph.D.
Battling Bullying to Prevent Suicide
Mark Smaller, PhD WEBSITE
Group Therapy with the Medically Ill
James Spira, Ph.D.
Asperger's Syndrome: Group Treatment.
Geoff Magnus
Hoarders: Diagnosis and Treatment, Part 2
Randy Frost, Ph.D.
Hoarders: Diagnosis and Treatment, Part 1
Gail Stekette, Ph.D.
Richard Isay, M.D.
Gay Boys: Sexual Orientation and Psychotherapy
Robert Galatzer-Levy, M.D.
Managed Care
‘Quality’ in Managed Care
Gary Unruh, MSW
Transference/Countertransference in Managed Care
Sidney Grossberg, Ph.D.
The DSM in Managed Care Reporting
Carvel Taylor, M.S.W.
Managed Care Protocols
Monica Oss, Ph.D.
Managed Care Contracts
Sandra Nye, J.D., M.S.W.
Patient Abandonment
David Phillips, D.S.W.
Adolescents in Managed Care
James Alexander, Ph.D.
Cooperative Relationships with Managed Care
Kathleen Desgranges, MSW
New Trends
Gary Unruh, MSW
Understanding HIPPA
Sandra Nye, J.D., M.S.W.
Medical Illness
Suicidal Ideation at End of Life
Ann Goelitz, CSW website
The Therapist Has Cancer
Marcia V. Adler, MA, LCSW, Roneen Blank, MD
The Impact of Diabetes on the Family
Joseph McBride, MSW, BCD
The Impact of Brain Injury on the Self
Laurence Miller, Ph.D.
Psychosocial Factors
Gary Gilles, LCPC website
Jungian Dream Work with Cancer Patients
Ann Goelitz, CSW website
Impact on the Self
Mark Smaller, PhD WEBSITE
Impact of the Patient's Chronic illness on the Therapist
Carol Garrett, Ph.D.
Group Therapy with the Medically Ill
James Spira, Ph.D.
Cognitive Coping Skills
Kenneth Sharoff, Ph.D.
Adolescent Daughters of Mothers with Breast Cancer
Marica Spira, Ph.D., LCSW
Decision Making with Seriously ill Adolescents
Peter Wolf
Decision Making
Tonya Manselle, Ph.D.
Medical Innovations
Randall Busch, M.D.
Cognitive Coping Skills for Pain and Suffering
Kenneth Sharoff, Ph.D.
My Therapist has Cancer
Marcia Adler, MA, LCSW and Roneen Blank, MD
The Meaning of Money
Robert Galatzer-Levy, M.D.
Fees, Billing, Collections
Barton Bernstein, JD, LMSW
To Reduce the Fee or Not? Part 2
Karla Clark, Ph.D.
To Reduce the Fee or Not
Frank Summers, Ph.D. website
Multiple Personality Disorders
Treatment of MPD
Richard Loewenstein, M.D.
MPD in Children
Nancy Hornstein, M.D.
MPD and Systems
Richard Schwartz, Ph.D.
Memory and MPD
George Ganaway, M.D.
Ego Strengthening in MPD
Moshe Torem, M.D.
Narrative Constructivist Brief Treatment with Families
Steven Friedman, Ph.D.
Parent Loss in Adolescence
Robert Neimeyer, Ph.D.
A Narrative-Constructivist Approach
Robert Neimeyer, Ph.D.
Learning in Psychotherapy
Fred Levin, M.D.
The Impact of Brain Injury on the Self
Laurence Miller, Ph.D.
Neuroscience and Medication
Larry Siever, MD
Overview to Sexual Misconduct
Hugh F. Johnston, MD
The Brain, Trauma, and Medication
Anthony D'Agostino, M.D.
Self Psychology and Neuroscience”
Judith Rustin, LCSW
Neurobiological Changes in Emerging Adulthood
Jesse Viner, MD
Personality Disorders in the DSM-5
Melissa Perrin, Psy.D
The Neuroscience of Trauma and Shame
Arlene Montgomery, Ph.D.
The Neuroscience of Attachment
Arlene Montgomery, Ph.D.
Object Relations Theory
Object-Relations Focused Marital Treatment
David Scharff, M.D., Jill Scharff M.D.
Annihilation Anxiety
Frank Summers, Ph.D. website
An Object Relations View of the Mind
Stephen Mitchell, Ph.D.
An Object-Relations Approach
Diane Zosky, Ph.D.
Attachment Styles in BPD
Karla Clark, Ph.D.
An Object-Relations Approach
Frank Summers, Ph.D. website
Online Therapy
Online Supervision
Allen Siegel, MD,
Rational Emotive Therapy, Online
Richard Sansbury, PhD
Psychoanalytic Therapy Online
Kerry Sulkowicz, MD
Overview to Online Therapy
Michael Freeny, LCSW
Clinical Theories and Skills
Susan Mankita, LCSW
Clinical Examples
Barbara Adams, M.S. ED, LPC
Introduction to Skype Therapy
Stephan Tobin, Ph.D.
TELE-THERAPY: an overview plus thoughts about returning to the office
Laura, Groshong. LICSW
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Suicide Prevention for Veterans
Tousha West
Connecting with Combat Veteran
Martha Bragin, Ph.D., LCSW
The Culture of PTSD
James Herbert, Ph.D.
The Brain, Trauma, and Medication
Anthony D'Agostino, M.D.
The Body Remembers
Babette Rothschild, LCSW
Froma Walsh, Ph.D., MSW
Post-traumatic Growth
William O'Hanlon, M.S., LMFT website
Gerald Rosen, Ph.D.
Engaging Survivors of Extreme Violence
Martha Bragin, Ph.D., LCSW
Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment
Steven Taylor, Ph.D.
Psychotherapy with Psychologically Traumatized Children
Cynthia Monahon, Psy.D.
Promoting Post-traumatic Growth
LIsa Ferentz, LCSW
Pre-School Children and PTSD
Toni Heineman, D.M.H.
Psychoanalysis/Psychoanalytic Theory
Regression in Psychotherapy
Crayton Rowe, MSW, BCD
Self Psychology
Arnold Goldberg, M.D.
Robert Stolorow, Ph.D.
Mark J. Gehrie, Ph.D.
Psychoanalytic Therapy Online
Kerry Sulkowicz, MD
Attachment-Oriented Psychotherapy
David J. Wallin, Ph.D. website
Freud's Thinking about Women
Marion Tolpin, MD
Self Psychology
Arnold Goldberg, M.D.
Robert Stolorow, Ph.D.
Mark J. Gehrie, Ph.D.
The Supervisory Relationship
Mary Gail Frawley-O'Dea, Ph.D., Joan Sarnat, Ph.D.
Psychodynamic Understandings
Judith Newman, LCSW
PTSD in Pre-school Children
Toni Heineman, D.M.H
Personality Disorders in the DSM-5
Melissa Perrin, Psy.D
Overview to the DSM-5
Laura Groshong, LICSW
Feeding and Eating Disorders
Greg Neimeyer, Ph.D.
Depressive Disorders in the DSM-5
Melissa Perrin, Psy.D
Medication and Aggression
Mohammed Alam, M.D.
Psychopharmacology in Everyday Practice
Stan McCracken, Ph.D.
Neuroscience and Medication
Larry Siever, MD
The Brain, Trauma, and Medication
Anthony D'Agostino, M.D.
Treatment of MPD
Richard Loewenstein, M.D.
Transference/Countertransference in Managed Care
Sidney Grossberg, Ph.D.
Therapist's Life Cycle
Arnold Levin, Ph.D.
The Maintenance of Therapeutic Boundaries
Mark Smaller, PhD WEBSITE
Regression in Psychotherapy
Crayton Rowe, MSW, BCD
Patient/Therapist Relations
Sandra Nye, J.D., M.S.W.
Ego Strengthening in MPD
Moshe Torem, M.D.
Treating ADHD
Russell Barkeley, Ph.D.
The Schizoid Personality
Karla Clark, Ph.D.
George Stricker, Ph.D.
Psychopharmacology in Everyday Practice
Stan McCracken, Ph.D.
Borderline Disorders
Eda Goldstein, Ph.D.
Object-Relations Focused Marital Treatment
David Scharff, M.D., Jill Scharff M.D.
Annihilation Anxiety
Frank Summers, Ph.D. website
Self Psychology
Arnold Goldberg, M.D.
Learning in Psychotherapy
Fred Levin, M.D.
Mark J. Gehrie, Ph.D.
Richard Isay, M.D.
An Object Relations View of the Mind
Stephen Mitchell, Ph.D.
Treatment of the Elderly
Bob G. Knight, Ph.D.
Disorders of the Self
Karla Clark, Ph.D.
Biologically Informed Treatment of Depression
Stephen Schuchter, M.D.
Angry Adolescents
Mark Masi, Psy.D.
Adolescent Psychology and Development
H. Spencer Bloch, M.D.
Anger Management
Brad Barris, Ph.D.
An Object-Relations Approach
Diane Zosky, Ph.D.
The Meaning of Money
Robert Galatzer-Levy, M.D.
Families of Homicide Victims
Focal Conflict Analysis
Jerrold Brandell, Ph.D.
Rational Emotive Therapy, Online
Richard Sansbury, PhD
Psychoanalytic Therapy Online
Kerry Sulkowicz, MD
Clinical Theories and Skills
Susan Mankita, LCSW
Surviving the Suicide of a Patient and Understanding the Suicide Continuum
Sherry Bryant
Connecting with Combat Veteran
Martha Bragin, Ph.D., LCSW
Battling Bullying to Prevent Suicide
Mark Smaller, PhD WEBSITE
Impact of the Patient's Chronic illness on the Therapist
Carol Garrett, Ph.D.
Self-Injurious Behavior
Karen Conterio, Wendy Lader, Ph.D.
Development and Film Discussion
Ed Kaufman, MSW
Attachment Styles in BPD
Karla Clark, Ph.D.
An Object-Relations Approach
Frank Summers, Ph.D. website
Risk Management Mania
Psychodynamic Understandings
Judith Newman, LCSW
The Body Remembers
Babette Rothschild, LCSW
Froma Walsh, Ph.D., MSW
Post-traumatic Growth
William O'Hanlon, M.S., LMFT website
Engaging Survivors of Extreme Violence
Martha Bragin, Ph.D., LCSW
Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment
Steven Taylor, Ph.D.
Rebuilding Family Ties
Richard Kagan, Ph.D. website
Psychotherapy with Psychologically Traumatized Children
Cynthia Monahon, Psy.D.
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
Julie Poehlmann, Ph.D.
To Reduce the Fee or Not? Part 2
Karla Clark, Ph.D.
To Reduce the Fee or Not
Frank Summers, Ph.D. website
The First Session, as Seen in ‘In Treatment
Arthur Nielsen, M.D. website
Denise Davis, Ph.D website
Super Shrinks
Scott Miller, Ph.D.
Self Disclosure-a New Paradigm
Richard Geist, Ed.D.
Crying in Psychotherapy
Judith Nelson, Ph.D.
Attachment-Oriented Psychotherapy
David J. Wallin, Ph.D. website
Social Media Enhances Clinical Work
Lisa Johnson, Ph.D., LMFT
My Patient wants to ‘Friend’ Me
Curt Kearney, MA, LCPC
Ethical Standards for the Internet and Social Media
Frederic Reamer, Ph.D. website
A Social Media Policy for Clinicians
Keely Kolmes, Psy,D.
Attachment in the Clinical Context: Case Example
David J. Wallin, Ph.D. website
Introduction to Skype Therapy
Stephan Tobin, Ph.D.
The Transformational Self
Harry Bendicsen, LCSW
Promoting Post-traumatic Growth
LIsa Ferentz, LCSW
Self-Disclosure and Connectedness
Richard Geist
Countertransference and Ethics
Lisa Ferentz, LCSW-C, DAPA
My Therapist has Cancer
Marcia Adler, MA, LCSW and Roneen Blank, MD
Alternative to the Adult/Child Movement
Sexual Harassment Prevention Training (Illinois)
Prudence Gourguechon, MD
Neurodevelopment and the Etiology of Schizophrenia
Elaine Walker, Ph.D.
Life with a Schizophrenia Child
Karen Mellow,J.D,
Early Intervention in First Episode Schizophrenia Makes the Difference
Tia Dole, Ph.D.
Connecting with the Schizophrenic Patient
David Garfield, M.D.
School Violence
Children Who Kill
James Garborino, Ph.D.
William Porter, PhD
Robert Galatzer-Levy, M.D.
Battling Bullying to Prevent Suicide
Mark Smaller, PhD WEBSITE
Sexual Addictions
Bad Boys: Sexual Addiction or Entitlement?
Sharon O'Hara, LMFT, C-SAT
Six Types of Sexual Addiction
Douglas Weiss, Ph.D.
Sexual Issues
Freud and Women
Marian Tolpin, M.D.
An Object-Relations Approach
Diane Zosky, Ph.D.
Psychodynamic Understandings
Judith Newman, LCSW
Overview to Sexual Misconduct
Hugh F. Johnston, MD
Bad Boys: Sexual Addiction or Entitlement?
Sharon O'Hara, LMFT, C-SAT
Six Types of Sexual Addiction
Douglas Weiss, Ph.D.
Freud's Thinking about Women
Marion Tolpin, MD
Sexual Harassment: The harasser and what to do about the situation.
Prudence Gourguechon, MD
Sexual Harassment Prevention Training (Illinois)
Prudence Gourguechon, MD
Skype Therapy
TELE-THERAPY: an overview plus thoughts about returning to the office
Laura, Groshong. LICSW
Spirituality in Clinical Practice
Spirituality Sensitive Practice
Ed Canda, Ph.D.
Handling Ethical Issues
Terry Brumley Northcut, Ph.D.
Ethics and Character
Dennis Haynes, Ph.D.
Froma Walsh, Ph.D., MSW
Elderly Suicide
Nancy Osgood, Ph.D.
Adolescent Suicide
Rick Ostrander, Ed.D.
Manipulative Suicide Threats
Robert Yufit, Ph.D.
Survivors of Suicide
Joseph McBride, MSW, BCD
Surviving the Suicide of a Patient and Understanding the Suicide Continuum
Sherry Bryant
Suicide Prevention for Veterans
Tousha West
Suicidal Ideation at End of Life
Ann Goelitz, CSW website
School-Based Suicide Prevention with African American Youth in an Urban Setting
Julie Grumet-Goldstein, Ph.D.
Battling Bullying to Prevent Suicide
Mark Smaller, PhD WEBSITE
Suicide Threats: Manipulative?
Robert Yufit, Ph.D.
Suicide and its Impact on Survivors
Roberet Neimeyer, Ph.D.
The Supervisory Relationship
Mary Gail Frawley-O'Dea, Ph.D., Joan Sarnat, Ph.D.
Supervisory Ethics
Carlton Munson, Ph.D., BCD
Online Supervision
Allen Siegel, MD,
Focal Conflict Analysis
Jerrold Brandell, Ph.D.
Dimensions of Supervision
Russel Haber, Ph.D.
Deepening the Supervisory Experience
Wendy Haskell, Ph.D., LICSW
The Borderline Personality
Brief Treatment of the Borderline Personality
Sandy Hotchkiss, M.S.W., B.C.D.
Borderline Disorders
Eda Goldstein, Ph.D.
DSM IV and Personality Disorders
Theodore Millon, Ph.D.
Borderline Marriages
Charles McCormack
Self-Injurious Behavior
Karen Conterio, Wendy Lader, Ph.D.
Neuroscience and Medication
Larry Siever, MD
Impact on Families
Paul Mason, MS
Education and Crisis Intervention with Families of Patients Having BPD
Christine Lawson, Ph.D.
Dialectical Behavior Therapy
Charles Swenson, MD
Development and Film Discussion
Ed Kaufman, MSW
Brief Treatment
Sandy Hotchkiss, M.S.W., B.C.D.
Borderline Mothers
Christine Lawson, Ph.D.
Attachment Styles in BPD
Karla Clark, Ph.D.
Personality Disorders in the DSM-5
Melissa Perrin, Psy.D
Narrative Theory and A.A.
Carolyn Saari, Ph.D.
MPD and Systems
Richard Schwartz, Ph.D.
Integrating Theories
David Phillips, D.S.W.
Every Therapist Has a Theory
Joe Palombo, M.A.
“Empty Core” Theory and Substance Abuse
Jeffrey Seinfeld, PhD
Comparative Theory
Joe Palombo, M.A.
An Overview to Brief Treatment
Maria Corwin, Ph.D.
Internalization and Projective Identification
Morris Eagle, Ph.D.
Self Psychology
Arnold Goldberg, M.D.
Robert Stolorow, Ph.D.
Mark J. Gehrie, Ph.D.
Richard Isay, M.D.
Freud and Women
Marian Tolpin, M.D.
A Freud Refresher mini-course
Mark Smaller, PhD
Arnold Goldberg, M.D.
Focal Conflict Analysis
Jerrold Brandell, Ph.D.
Rational Emotive Therapy, Online
Richard Sansbury, PhD
Clinical Theories and Skills
Susan Mankita, LCSW
An Object-Relations Approach
Frank Summers, Ph.D. website
Overview to Attachment Theory
Frances Stott, Ph.D.
Attachment Issues in Children in Foster Care
Nancy Boyd Webb, D.S.W.
Self Psychology and Neuroscience”
Judith Rustin, LCSW
Self Disclosure-a New Paradigm
Richard Geist, Ed.D.
Crying in Psychotherapy
Judith Nelson, Ph.D.
Attachment-Oriented Psychotherapy
David J. Wallin, Ph.D. website
Transgender in the Aging Community
Rena McDaniel, MEd, LCPC, Certified Sex Therapist
“I'm so pleased with being able to earn CEs at home. As a mother of young children, my time is fragmented.This format is perfect.”
... Sarah S.