The Psychotherapy Curriculum

Brief Treatment *

An overview of the various schools of brief treatment.

Program Description

Formerly entitled "Critical Issues in Psychotherapy, Volume 3," this program is dedicated to bringing you the latest thoughts from some of the leading experts in the brief treatment field. Brief treatment is presented from a number of theoretical perspectives and treatment approaches, and these interviews show brief treatment is no second choice substitute for long-term treatment. Despite their many differences, these speakers all believe and make a strong case to show brief treatment is often a stronger, more progressive, and more optimistic mode of promoting growth and change.

Learning Objectives

This program provides clinicians with the opportunity to:

Be able to recognize three levels of Borderline Personality Disorder and how that applies to brief treatment.

Learn about the criteria used in selection of patients, treatment methods, and the use of interpretation in short-term, anxiety provoking psychotherapy.

Be able to think about brief treatment with families from a narrative-constructivist point of view.

Hear about brief treatment from a psychodynamic point of view, and understand how to avoid creating regression in the patient.

Learn about solution-focused work with difficult adolescents.

Learn techniques in forming short-term groups with depressed children.


A Psychodynamic Approach to Brief Treatment - Michael Basch, M.D.

Learn about Dr. Baschs developmental model for brief treatment, in which the therapist focuses on the patients strengths and doesnt allow a regressive, dependent relationship to develop. Many detailed case examples are presented.

An Overview to Brief Treatment - Maria Corwin, Ph.D.

Dr. Maria Corwin presents an overview of the various theories and methods utilized in brief treatment and the common elements in all of them.

Anxiety-Provoking Brief Therapy - Peter Sifneos, M.D.

Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry at Harvard and author of Short-Term, Anxiety Provoking Psychotherapy, Dr. Peter Sifneos discusses his method, the criteria used in selection of patients, treatment methods, and the use of interpretation.

Brief Group Therapy with Children with Affective Disorders - Ana Maria Anastasiades, M.D., Marian Harris, Ph.D.

Drs. Anastasiades and Harris describe their method of treating children with affective and anxiety disorders in brief treatment groups. Parents also are seen in parent groups and brought together with the children in multi-family group sessions.

Brief Treatment of the Borderline Personality - Sandy Hotchkiss, M.S.W., B.C.D.

Sandy Hotchkiss outlines three different types or levels of borderline personalities and how each type can or cannot be successfully treated using brief therapy. In particular, for some borderline personalities, leaving the door open to return for more treatment is an invitation for regression.

Brief Treatment with Difficult Adolescents - Matthew Selekman, L.C.S.W.

Learn how Mr. Selekman works with difficult, acting-out adolescents in brief treatment, using the solution-focused model. In this model, work often is completed in one session.

Narrative Constructivist Brief Treatment with Families - Steven Friedman, Ph.D.

Learn about the use of narrative constructivist theory in the brief treatment of families. In this model, the therapist is not in a position of power, but rather, is a partner with the family in solving the problems.

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Client Testimonials

“The speakers did a great job. I love the flexibility of listening at my leisure.”

... Christine S.